Cleveland County GOP - The Conservative Voice of Cleveland County


March 16, 2011

Rep. Thom Tillis To Speak at GOP meeting July 12


Representative Thom Tillis will be the featured speaker at the next meeting of the Cleveland County Republican Party, on July 12 at J. Oliver’s in Kings Mountain. The meeting will begin at 7 PM; the public is invited to attend.

Since being elected in 2006, Thom has distinguished himself as a hard-working representative in the legislature.  At the end of his freshman term, Thom was elected to the House Republican Whip, one of two elected leadership positions in the House Republican Caucus.

Thom has been appointed to several important House and joint House/Senate committees, including the Finance, Banking and Financial Institutions, Judiciary, Education, Science and Technology, Ways and Means/Broadband, Information Technology Oversight, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Oversight, Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Oversight, Internet Access to Rural Areas Oversight, and Local Government committees.

Thom has established himself as a rock solid fiscal/free-market conservative and an outspoken opponent of tax increases and wasteful government spending.  At the same time, Thom has also demonstrated an ability to work across the aisle to pass important legislation, and he has established a solid reputation for professionalism.

Thom will speak on the importance of this election cycle for North Carolina.

For more information, contact Wes Westmoreland at 704-484-2GOP or online at

June 29- For all Don Allen supporters!

Don Allen will have a meeting on Tuesday, June 29th for anyone who would like to assist in his campaign. The meeting will be held at the Western Sizzlin’, 1712 E Dixon Blvd., Shelby. The meeting is scheduled for 7:00PM but you are all welcome to come early and eat.