Cleveland County GOP - The Conservative Voice of Cleveland County


March 16, 2011

Next Meeting January 20


Hal Weatherman will be giving an updated version of his presentation on terrorism, Connect the Dots: Terrorism 2.0, on Thursday, January 20th at 7pm in Shelby, NC at the Bethel Baptist Church, 606 South Dekalb Street, in Shelby.

***January 11 meeting postponed due to weather.***

Note Date Change: Next Meeting January 11 NOT January 10:

Several of you saw Hall Weatherman’s (Sue Myrick’s Chief of Staff) “Connect the Dots” presentation this summer, but many of you missed it. In lieu of our next meeting, we will join the Shelby 912 group on January 11th for “Connect the Dots 2.0,” a presentation on radical Islam and the spread of Sharia Law in America. Those of you who saw the original version of this presentation can attest to the level of research and information; this is an updated version.

The meeting will be at Bethel Baptist Church Gym (Dekalb Street in Shelby), and will begin at 7PM. You will not want to miss this- and bring a friend or neighbor.

So, please mark your calendar today: No GOP meeting on January 10; Connect the Dots on January 11.